Why you NEED to have an UnPlugged Wedding!
Let’s face it: no one wants to be the person who ruins a wedding by taking out their phone during a ceremony or reception. But what if you’re the bride or groom and want to go unplugged? How can you make that happen? If you’re thinking about having your own digital unplugged wedding, here are some tips on how to make it as seamless and stress-free as possible.

Consider a digital unplugged wedding.
An unplugged wedding means that guests are not allowed to use their phones, tablets or other devices during the ceremony and the reception. Although many couples choose this option because it is more meaningful than a traditional wedding, there are several other benefits as well.

Make sure your DJ or MC announces it beforehand so people are prepared for it.
Your DJ or MC should be made aware of the unplugged ceremony prior to arriving at the wedding venue. It’s highly important that this information is conveyed before the wedding begins. The best way to ensure your guests are ready for this change is by announcing it from the moment they arrive at the ceremony entrance until after it ends.
Turning off cell phones and other digital devices during an unplugged ceremony is an excellent way to remind everyone in attendance just how crucial those moments are—and what a privilege it is to share them with you and yours!
If you need help explaining why you don’t want people taking pictures, here are some ideas to consider.
- Don’t invite them. Yes this may be harsh. But I’ve seen friendships crumble over a fallout surrounding a wedding. It’s a big deal to you, so it should be to everyone else.
We hope that we’ve given you some new ideas for how to make your wedding day as special as possible. An unplugged wedding is a great way to show your guests and loved ones that you care about them enough not to be distracted by their phones or cameras during this time. It may seem like it’s going against the grain of what society is used to, but if we’re going to continue having meaningful relationships with our friends and family members, then we need these kinds of measures in place—and hopefully this article has given you some inspiration along those lines

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